
sunday night late / monday morning early 01:04 am, digital pen (2022).

revisiting the marslander, sculptVR snapshot and digital pen (2022).

the unknown, sansar snapshot and digital pen (2022)

behind the wall, (installation)photo and digital pen (2022).

the big deal, photo (of a painting) and digital pen (2022).

six landscapes, digital pen (2022) | see also the connection with the (dutch) text
of Chris Marteleur: read(s)

look how they took down my song, ma, (installation)photo and digital pen (2022).

largely into the ground sunk closed house with a green roof and open courtyard, architectural drawings with pencil (1982) and digital pen (2022).
human in red,
charcoal on a wall (2018) and digital pencil (2022)
at the border of existence, over drawing with ballpoint (2012-2014) and digital pencil (2022) of three exhibition postcards | reproduction of a drawing by marcel B included.
what if someone intended to reshape the world, draw over a map with ballpoint (2013) and digital pencil (2022)
world map, overdrawing
walking world, over drawing (24-02-2022) with ballpoint of an exhibition postcard: shuzo azuchi gulliver & yuki okumura shi (31-10-2014)
walking world, drawing
eternity, wall-drawing 2021-2022
flowers 01
flowers 02, (digital) drawn for the “chapter T-01, the train”-animation, 2021
landscape 02, digital drawing for the animation “chapter T-01, the train”, 2021
hand to turn, drawn for the quatro-animation 2021
the sea, february 2012, drawing
if I can see the sea, can the sea see me?
some day in february, over drawing with ballpoint in a fashion-brochure 2012
idea 2010-03, drawing to prepare the installation of the object of migration-furniture “in second life”. This idea was also used on the InundArt exhibition in Girona, Spain, 2011

architectural drawings in a brochure for language lessons dutch for foreigners, 2009
living in space 067

cat 2009, exhibition/book presentation henk visch 2014 | postcard-over-drawing with ballpoint and digital pen

2009-2011 I stared a copyright/copyleft project
(also wrote a paper about this topic)
in this project I asked a friend (artist, Gustaaf de Meersman) to recieve his artwork
to change it (to over paint, over draw, re-make, change, re-use, …).
So I did with several of his photo-stilisms.

one of these stilism I over painted again (2020)
after cutting it into pieces and a recomposition
completed with other pieces of paper.

artist, language lessons brochure
over drawing with ballpoint 2009
artist, ballpoint drawing
artist 004
portrait, iron curtain, 1982 over-subscribed 2021

“it’s all yours”

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