environment-installation | changing the elements part 02
[SLAC Leuven, february 2024]
parade II | installation – [SLAC Leuven, february 2024]
connected | photo and digital drawing 2022
environment-installation | changing the elements – the floor
[SLAC Leuven, november-december 2023 ]
flora | installation – photo and digital pen 2022
driver II | cardboard construction
autumn 2022 | into a cardboard box – hanging low above the floor being suspended with electricity wires
identity of war 03 [see also: madness]
first use of the flag in an outside-area on earth | 27th of july 2022, Zichem, Belgium
read my lips, 2023
angels of mercy, Zichem,
Belgium, 2022
video-installation on four screens, simulation, 2022:
two different chapters with image animations and sounds and two corresponding chapters with reading voice and English subtitles – chapter D-01, chapter D-02, chapter T-01 and chapter T-02 (see: video-work “the hospital”) – are projected/played simultaneously – in time and space
the simultaneity and the juxtaposition and disassembly of text-related moving images (sequentially in time) disrupt the comfortable, self-evident thought of time-space experience
the spectator-listener is forced to adopt its own mode to consume the subtitles, images, voices, sounds, …
[more chapters and screens are also possible, taking into account the availability of equipment and individuality/possibility of the room]
(re-)installation of the gamechanger, two weeping willows (see: read(s)):
gamechanger 01 two weeping willows, 2022, Zichem, Belgium
gamechanger 02 two weeping willows, 2021, Brussels, Belgium
gamechanger 03 two weeping willows, 2021, Zichem, Belgium
two weeping willows 2020, project “Park Poetik” at Brussels (Vorst), Belgium (see: read(s))
selection 011 | between kassel and venice, Zichem, Belgium, 2021
red bet cold table 2021, Zichem, Belgium
dual 2018, HuisDievers, Diest, Belgium
objects of migration 2011, inundart exhibition, Girona, Spain
time to dive 2010, KASK, Ghent, Belgium
interior 2010, KASK, Ghent, Belgium
the cockpit 1999, installation on ArtWallk’99, Schriek, Belgium
“it’s all yours”